Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Aromas of Autumn (and Other Thoughts)

**I updated Talia's Travels and Family Time with some new pictures of Talia, her cousins, and her extended family. Please scroll down to view them.**

Sitting in the living room, bathed in the warm light of the afternoon sun, I think about the beauty of the creation surrounding me. The autumn foliage slowly drifts from treetops, the scent of burning leaves seasons the air, and the quietness of the fauna preparing for the winter bring a sense of serenity. Inside candles flicker filling the air with the aromas of candied apples, cinnamon vanilla, and autumn leaves. I never had a healthy appreciation for this season until we moved to this area six years ago. Growing up, the dry season seemed to melt into the wet season without flourish. Now the signs of turning abound. Crisp greens transform into warm amber and honey, nights turn cold and transparent, rains begin to fall, the harvest burgeons then dwindles, the deer and squirrel make ready their winter homes, white smoke fills the air with musky spice, and winds swirl leaves and needles through the air in soft whispers. Our family enjoys tranquil walks through our forest. We are reminded not only of God's presence but of His words. Psalm 19 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge."

During Jon's lunch break we took a walk around the property. We discovered that many of our tomatoes were still ripening and the flowers in our garden were in full bloom. While in the mood to harvest, we picked a few apples and grape clusters. I was amazed by our bounty, even into November. Here is some of what we picked. The tomatoes didn't make it in the picture.



Later in the day we took our canal walk. We decided to dress Talia in the sweater and hat Jon had worn as a baby.


While we were on our walk we saw a hare, Jon saved a banana slug from dehydration, and I waved as the train passed overhead (much to Jon's embarrassment). Talia slept. After the walk Talia needed a change and Daddy was up for the task. Talia responded to Daddy's care with a message on her shirt. Please excuse her capitalization error (hey, she is only a baby).


On Halloween Talia dressed up for Stroller Strides. She was a Pooh Bear bee. Talia has Anna to thank for lending this costume to her. Here she is.


Our little bee seeks some nectar.


I dressed up as a graduate to help at the church. I was thinking it was a quick, free costume. Then it dawned on me that it was a lengthy (3 years plus AP courses) and expensive costume. But, the investment was already made so I might as well put it to good use. Jon stayed home with Talia to pass out candy to all of the zero trick or treaters. Two years ago Jon and I dressed up as:


He won a prize for his costume at work. Last year I was a queen and Jon was a computer geek. Jon wore a computer T-shirt that says, "Extreme Indoor Enthusiast," glasses, suspenders, and a flash drive hanging around his neck. I think he had an extra mouse in one of his pockets. Sorry, we didn't take any pictures.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Sheesh...our whole family does the eloquent thing, albeit some are more prone to it more frequently than others ;). Talia is cute as a Pooh Bee. She's also cute as herself :).

The sometimes loquacious Auntie Angie